Oil, 24" x 36"
©2012 Thomas Anderson
Selected for inclusion in the Sociey of Animal Artist 54th Annual Art and the Animal Exhibition
The Wildlife Experience Parker, Colorado
August-October 2014
And now the purple dusk of twilight time steals across the oceans of my heart (with apologies to Mitchell Parrish) . . . sometimes I wondered why I would even attempt a composition like this. And much of the time while painting I was certain I was crazy to freeze time to capture this split second of rippling water, to capture the contours and planes as they pick up and throw around the reflections of an intense sunset and the plants on the opposite shore. Like a character from an Edward Hopper painting, the solitary Marbled Godwit, dwarfed by the immensity of his surroundings as he patiently waits at the water’s edge for his supper, is me.
Contact me if you are interested in purchasing this piece